2018 Residential Program-Ultrathin Asphalt Surface Project
Posted on Jul 27th, 2018

The Residential Program is scheduled to take place from August through October 2018.
The 2018 contract involves areas in the following areas/subdivisions:

Leawood Estates:
    specifically;   96th Street (Lee to State Line Road)
                            97th Street (Lee to State Line Road) with North Cul-de-Sacs
                            Lee Boulevard (103rd Street to City Park Entrance)
Leawood Country Manor
The Woods
114th Street (115th to Tomahawk Creek Parkway)
Pembroke Court
137th Street (Nall to Roe)
Briar (135th to 137th)
Estates of Ironhorse
The City will be working with O’Donnell & Sons Construction Company, Inc. to improve the streets in these neighborhoods.  This 2018 Ultrathin Asphalt Surface Project will provide a one-inch asphalt surface over the existing pavement in 12 subdivisions.
What to Expect
Due to the number of streets involved in this project, the specific dates for construction for each street is not available at this time. The contractor will notify residents 48 hours prior to working the street.

Working hours are limited between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The process for each street will include edge milling followed by placement of the asphalt surface. Residents will receive notification from the contractor for both milling and paving unless both operations are completed on the same day.  However, these activities are usually separated by several days.
How You Can Help
To allow the construction to be completed as quickly as possible, please have all vehicles removed from the street prior to 8:00 a.m. on the date specified on the contractor’s notification. Access to the street will be limited while construction is occurring. If possible, do not drive on newly placed surface prior to the contractor opening the road. This may result in damage to the new road surface. Asphalt material may stick to your car, which is difficult to remove.

We thank you for your patience during the construction of this project. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Public Works Office/Construction Inspections Division at (913) 663-9130.  You also may contact O’Donnell & Sons Construction Company, Inc. with any questions at (913) 681-2155.