Neighborhood News |
Waste Management Recycling Update
Posted on Jan 29th, 2021
Leawood Country Manor Residents:
The City of Leawood has allowed Waste Management to proceed with every other week pickups for recyclable materials. Please see the schedule for pickup found in the documents folder. Leawood Country Manor will be serviced on "odd" weeks. Waste Management asks that all residents leave their recycling cart out at the road until the end of business each service day until the 95-gallon cars are delivered. Thank you.
Waste Management Yard Waste Guidelines
Posted on Oct 22nd, 2020
Yard Waste guidelines from Waste Management
Town Center Plaza Interact Meeting
Posted on Jul 31st, 2020
Leawood Country Manor Homeowners,
Please click here to go to the Town Center Plaza Interact Meeting letter.
11th Annual Leawood Sustainability Summit
Posted on Jan 23rd, 2019
11th Annual Leawood Sustainability Summit
Be informed about the ongoing issues with plastics today. What you can personally do about it by taking sustainable steps in your daily lives REGISTER NOW 11th Annual Leawood Sustainability Summit Hosted by the City of Leawood Sustainability Advisory Board Thursday, February 21, 2019 The Lodge at Ironwoods Park • 14701 Mission Road • 66224 ITINERARY 5:00 pm Social Hour & Drinks, Exhibit Tables 5:30 pm Pizza & Salad 6:15 pm Program 7:15 pm Giveaways 7:30 pm Exhibit Tables Please Register by February 15th To register, email your name, address, phone, HOA, and title to or call Marica at (913) 663-9114. Visit for the latest information.
Posted on Dec 3rd, 2018
Weather permitting, on Monday, December 3, 2018, the trail from Town Center Drive to the pedestrian bridge on the North side of Leawood City Hall, WILL BE CLOSED for creek improvements. Park Place Development, as part of their plan approval, has contracted with MEGA Industries for the work on the creek improvements.
Link to the news release: TRAIL CLOSURE MAP
City of Leawood Public Meeting - Relocation of City Hall Building
Posted on Nov 2nd, 2018
City of Leawood
4800 Town Center Drive • Leawood, Kansas 66211 • (913) 339-6700 (913) 339-6781 Fax
October 22, 2018
RE: Public Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m., Monday, November 12, 2018 at Leawood City Hall, (City Council Chambers) located at 4800 Town Center Drive, Leawood, KS. 66211
Dear Citizen:
The City of Leawood invites all residents to a public meeting to allow comments on the possible relocation of the former City Hall Building from 9615 Lee Boulevard, to be located adjacent to the current City Hall at 4800 Town Center Drive. Persons wishing to speak will be given two minutes to make their remarks.
Comments will be followed by discussion and possible action by the Governing Body.
If you have any questions, or if you cannot attend the meeting, we can be contacted via email at Please include your name, address, and comments in the email.
Chris Claxton, Director
Leawood Parks & Recreation Department
Posted on Aug 27th, 2018
From the City of Leawood:
Thefts from unlocked automobiles and open garages have been on the rise this summer and while we are working diligently to curb this trend, we need help from our citizens to avoid being easy targets. Please look over the attachment (link below) for simple, easy ways people can avoid being victims of these crimes.
2018 Residential Program-Ultrathin Asphalt Surface Project
Posted on Jul 27th, 2018
The Residential Program is scheduled to take place from August through October 2018.
The 2018 contract involves areas in the following areas/subdivisions: Leawood Estates: specifically; 96th Street (Lee to State Line Road) 97th Street (Lee to State Line Road) with North Cul-de-Sacs Lee Boulevard (103rd Street to City Park Entrance) Leawood Country Manor The Woods 114th Street (115th to Tomahawk Creek Parkway) Pembroke Court Waterford 137th Street (Nall to Roe) Briar (135th to 137th) Estates of Ironhorse The City will be working with O’Donnell & Sons Construction Company, Inc. to improve the streets in these neighborhoods. This 2018 Ultrathin Asphalt Surface Project will provide a one-inch asphalt surface over the existing pavement in 12 subdivisions.
What to Expect
Due to the number of streets involved in this project, the specific dates for construction for each street is not available at this time. The contractor will notify residents 48 hours prior to working the street. Working hours are limited between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The process for each street will include edge milling followed by placement of the asphalt surface. Residents will receive notification from the contractor for both milling and paving unless both operations are completed on the same day. However, these activities are usually separated by several days. How You Can Help
To allow the construction to be completed as quickly as possible, please have all vehicles removed from the street prior to 8:00 a.m. on the date specified on the contractor’s notification. Access to the street will be limited while construction is occurring. If possible, do not drive on newly placed surface prior to the contractor opening the road. This may result in damage to the new road surface. Asphalt material may stick to your car, which is difficult to remove. We thank you for your patience during the construction of this project. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Public Works Office/Construction Inspections Division at (913) 663-9130. You also may contact O’Donnell & Sons Construction Company, Inc. with any questions at (913) 681-2155.
2018 Residential Thin Lift City Map
Posted on Jul 27th, 2018
Link to street repair map (on Documents page): Repair Map